
Last week I featured the color “Magenta”, this week the color to reflect on is the many shades of ♥Yellow”!  #MondaysReflection ♥ Yellow symbolizes wisdom, energy, and expresses your creativity. ♥ Put some yellow in your life if you when you want: ♥ It will give you clarity of thinking ♥ Helps to cope with exhaustion, nervousness, panic ♥ Helps to concentrate and memory improvement […]

Monday Reflection

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  Last week I featured the color “Magenta”, this week the color to reflect on is the many shades of ♥Yellow”!  #MondaysReflection ♥ Yellow symbolizes wisdom, energy, and expresses your creativity. ♥ Put some yellow in your life and you when you want: ♥ It will give you clarity of thinking ♥ Helps to cope with exhaustion, nervousness, panic ♥ Helps to concentrate and memory […]

Mondays Reflections

* This week the color of magenta: Uplifting when feeling angry and despondent. It is associated with compassion, support and kindness. Avoid if feeling chronically depressed. Magenta is a combination of red and violet, thus combining our physical self with our spiritual self, balancing body and spirit. Magenta enables us to let go, and move with the flow of life. […]

Monday Reflection