Ongoing Giveaway Linky

Ongoing Blog Giveaway Linky 117x500

Everyone, find some giveaways to enter, share this linky with a friend, and good luck!

Check this page often for new giveaways to enter

If you’re a blogger, add your giveaways here anytime.

A few things to remember if you’re submitting a giveaway:

1. Link directly to the giveaway, not your homepage.

2. You must specify the giveaway’s end date.

3. Let us know who can enter the giveaway. US=United States, CAN=Canada, WW=Worldwide

4. Please Tweet The Page To Share All Giveaways, 🙂

Example for the Linky: Giveaway Name USA Date Last

*Please note that your giveaway will be deleted if these specifics are not included.

This Is For Giveaways Only-ALl Others Will Be Deleted

Giveaways Will Be Removed One Event is Over To Update Linky

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Please help us promote his new Linky by sharing our button on your blog or just adding it to your list of sites to link up to your giveaways.Take A Minute And Tweet The Giveaways So All Can Be Shared