Monday Reflection 9 comments

Yellow comes in many forms

English: Daffodil field in South East Cornwall

Color Your life

Yellow Truck 3

Mondays Refllection

Last week I featured the color “Magenta”,
this week the color to reflect on is the many shades of Yellow”!  #MondaysReflection

♥ Yellow symbolizes wisdom, energy, and expresses your creativity.
♥ Put some yellow in your life if you when you want:
♥ It will give you clarity of thinking
♥ Helps to cope with exhaustion, nervousness, panic
♥ Helps to concentrate and memory improvement (I need this)
♥ Put yellow in your house during cloudy weather and it will boost your mood
♥ It is said that those with high intellect favor yellow, it definitely picks up your energy.
♥ I like yellow because it remind me of daffodils, roses and marigolds.
I think of the sun as being “Yellow”, I really dont know how people manage where they do not have sunshine daily, like in Alaska during parts of the year when there are long spells of darkness or in states where they have so many clouds or in countries where there is so much pollution in the sky the sun does not make it through. I love my sunshine, make me feel better. Its proven that it is healthy and provides Vitamin D!  How do you feel about the color “Yellow”?  What are your favorite things in yellow? Do you use yellow in your home anytime during the year?

Let me Pin Your Entry to Our Mondays Reflection Pinterest Board! My only rule for Mondays Reflection is that you would follow me through Google+ this week, more if you like, but I am building followers for my Oh My Heartsie Blog Page

Utopian Sounds Instrumental Music

Join Me now and link up your family friendly posts, blog hops, recipe posts, anything goes, including giveaways with end date!!
Have fun meet new bloggers and have your linked photo Pinned to Pinterest on our “Mondays Reflection Party Board”!!

Linking To These PartiesCount Down In Style | Make It Monday Week 5 Create With Joy | Comedy Plus | Its Awesome Monday | Awww Monday | Mancat Monday | Mondays Music | Put A Bird On It Katherines Thursdays Favorite Things |

Giving Credit for Photo Sources
Yellow Polyvore Clothes on Pinterest:
Yellow Roses:
Yellow Bicyle:
Yellow Rose Bush:
Celestial Tile:

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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

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