Did You Know There Are Easy Ways of Donating To Breast Cancer Research?

Through the month of October we have been promoting the awareness of Breast Cancer and early detection, we have been having a series of events over at Live Laugh Love To Shop. We are currently sponsoring an event called Think Pink where there is a chance to win some great prizes while also finding information about other dedicated companies and support groups like Cancer.org  Breastcancer.org Community.nationalbreastcancer.org and there are so many more.

* Did you know that companies like General Mills for 14 years have been donating from every lid of yoplait yogurt is worth 10 cents and have donated over $34 millions dollars to breast cancer research?

* Did you know that General Mills now has increased ways to help donate more when you purchase other General Mills products and enter codes online they will do the same and donate another 10 cents to the research of breast cancer?

* And did you know, that saving the lids from their yogurts and sending them in, you can dedicate your pink lid collection to a to honor a loved one and tell them why they inspired you “to make a difference”?  Your dedication will be published on their dedication page and could be shared on Facebook.

There are so many ways we can all help to create awareness, to help in the research through a program such as the Save the pink lids to save lives, buying other products, walks in your own area and of course donations. Whatever way you can help to spread the awareness we all should shout out “Get a Annual Mammogram” learn about the symptoms and teach yourself about monthly self exams. And for more information please visit Live Laugh Love To Shop, my other blog, I have dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness  the month of October, enter for a chance to win some prizes and share with your friends, Thank you………………Karren

About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done