Magnificent Molding Improves The Value and Look of Your Home
If there was a way to make your home feel more elegant, aesthetically pleasing, and roomy, all without the addition of something gaudy or over the top, you’d surely do it, right? What if that same method resulted in a boost in value of your home, requiring only a one-time investment? You’d probably be running to sign on the dotted line as soon as you figured out what this miracle product was, right?
Fortunately for you, that miracle product not only offers benefits to you and your home, it’s also affordable. The product is crown molding, something fairly common in homes for ages. An architectural adornment, typically made from wood, it is fitted into the jamb where the wall and ceiling meet, creating a gentle transition rather than a sharp joint. This transition helps to make rooms feel less boxy and confining. Molding is able to be used on the outsides of buildings as well, and ranges in style from simple to ornate pieces that add an elegance few other home additions can provide.
Traditionally, molding is made from wood cut into custom designs and styles. And while it’s definitely possible to DIY wooden crown molding, there is little room for error when fitting pieces together or meeting them in joints. To help make this product more accessible to weekend warriors, soft foam crown molding has entered the market, providing a more forgiving medium that can be coated and painted to replicate hardwood molding. In addition to being more mistake-friendly, foam can be cut by manufacturers into numerous patterns.
All in all, getting the benefits of crown molding has never been easier, nor more affordable, making it a great option to improve the value and enjoyment of your home.
The Foam Factory, an online supplier of foam products that can make your life easier and more comfortable, from bedding and eggcrate foam, to packaging foam and acoustic foam, and everything in between.
I am so excited Spring is here! I want to do container gardens on my patio this year and it will improve the blah look!
I agree I’m excited as well, we are having hot temps already, I would love for it to remain cooler for young sprouts to get started. Container gardening is my way to go.
Thanks for stopping by this week!!