I know this post is entitled Baby Sun Hat Review, but my mind was set on doing a shop review for a lovely lady called Brenda Vermunt. This woman is genuinely amazing and remarkably talented. I first came into contact with Brenda last December when I was desperately searching for Christmas pyjamas. My family was hosting a Christmas party where the dress code was Holiday pj’s only. I desperately searched every possible store for some. It’s Christmas so you’d think that Christmas sleeping garments would be everywhere right?! Nope! Nothing. Very disappointing to say the least. So I had to turn to my favorite store in the world, the one that never lets me down… the web! And being the Etsy fan that I am, I surfed with determination their site. Which lead me to Brenda’s shop called AuntBsBonnets. She mainly sells items for children. Depending on the season, it varies from sun hats, to onesies, dresses, pyjamas, blankets, sleepbags, and the list goes on. First thing that struck me was the originality of her fabrics and their cuteness. I went on to notice that she had these Christmas children PJs and asked her if she had them for adults. She didn’t but, without hesitation, offered to custom-make some for me and my boyfriend. Not only was she very helpful and friendly, but her service was fast and extremely professional. One of the sweetest, most reliable person I have met in my whole internet shopping life! And you’re probably wondering how the pyjamas turned out to be in this whole crazy story… one word: Awesome! Great quality fabric, gorgeous patterns, perfectly tailored and ideal fitting. They were just perfect!
Back then, I didn’t have my blog. But a few weeks ago, when I started setting up product reviews and giveaways, Brenda is one of the first person that I thought of to collaborate with. I thought she deserved all the promotion I could give her, considering her items are truly unique and well-made. Which leads me here, to talk to you about the baby sun hat that is up for grabs. Brenda and I have decided to offer you your choice between four super cute hats for this giveaway (you will find the pictures hereafter). You also get to chose your preferred size. Apart from being extra adorable, how are the hats? Well, seeing that Brenda has supplied me, or rather my son, with one of her hats in order to do a review, here’s my mommy two-cents.
I know it will sound cliche but the hat is, without question, cuter in person than on the pictures. No lies! One thing that pleasantly surprised me was the light fabric used to make the hat. Obviously, a sun hat is meant to be worn in the sun. And whoever says sun, says hot, humid and sweaty… usually! We as parents know how when kids play outside, they get hot, they get dirty, and they can’t be bothered with heavy and bothersome clothing. Which is the neat feature about this hat! It’s made with super light and breathable fabric which, first and foremost, won’t make your little one overly sweat under his hat, and secondly, won’t make him feel like he has something heavy sitting on his head. A lot of sun hats attach under the chin with a velcro strap. This one actually has 2 long strings that you can tie in a bow. The brim is perfect in size to provide your kiddo’s face and back of neck with good sun protection. When I put it on my son’s head, it fit like a glove. The shape, the size, the style felt like they were all methodically thought of and put together with love and care. Another concern some people may have when it comes time to buying from a home-based business is the item being smelly. Rest assured, this is not an issue with Brenda’s products. The item will arrive to you neatly wrapped in tissue paper with a personal note from Brenda, smell-free!
From a mommy’s standpoint, you can’t go wrong by shopping at AuntBsBonnets. In fact, I can guarantee you that you will become one of her biggest fans. She can custom-make any item you desire, and ships everywhere in the US and Canada. Her prices are more than reasonable, taking into account how great the quality of her items are. She top stiches the pieces of clothing to offer that extra durability that children clothes need. And her items seem to have that little extra touch that makes them exceptional. She offers a wide variety of patterns from hyper-cool vintage, to trendy, without forgetting the classics and the super original ones. There is so much to chose from, and for all ages as well! Please visit her at her Etsy store here and see for yourself how this shop if worth adding to your bookmarks! Just take this happy customer’s word for it…
Here’s a sneak peek of her collection…