What To Do To Avoid Losing Your Wallet

Certain Things You Should Do To Avoid Losing Your Wallet

Fashion is not all about wearing beautiful as well as trendy clothes. It is also about coupling right accessories with clothes. Apart from enhancing your style statement, many accessories have some important functional aspects. For example, we can consider the wallets. They are important to keep cash, valuable cards, credit cards, debit cards and even coins. This is a handy accessory for men, and most of the men are quite fussy about choosing a real wallet. They want to pick wallets that would come with excellent provisions for keeping cards, cash, and coins. So, buying a wallet is a matter of choice or personal preference. Certain things you should do to avoid losing your wallet

To buy wallets, you need to find a reliable online store which offers excellent ranges of contemporary wallets for men. After you have purchased a wallet, you need to know a few things so that you do not lose your wallet quickly. Many people have the habit of losing wallets. Naturally, we keep important stuff along with money as well as cards inside wallets. Thus, losing wallets means losing all those valuable things inside the wallets. Thus, you need to be careful in carrying your wallet. Here is a guide for you in this regard:

  1. Keep a Note with Your Phone Number and Address

Keeping a small note of phone number and address inside wallet would be a good idea. In fact, this will help you to get back your wallet if you have lost it mistakenly. A person who shall find your wallet may contact your phone number to return the wallet. Not just phone number, but keeping a copy of your passport size photo shall be useful in this regard. You need to make sure that you are easily identified by the person who has found your wallet. For more information and tips on losing wallet during traveling, you can check Lost Wallet While Traveling 

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  1. Buy Chain Wallet

Some wallets come with chains, and the chain can be attached to your pant or jeans. Such wallets are quite innovative, and they look exquisite. Apart from looking fashionable with these wallets, you shall get some other benefits. The most important thing is that you shall not lose the wallet quickly. The chain attached on your trouser shall prevent the cases where you have lost your wallet.

  1. Keep Wallet on Hip Pocket

Keeping wallet at the rear pocket is highly recommended, and wallets are designed in that way. However, many people feel it be quite uncomfortable while sitting with a wallet inside hip pocket. When you sit, you can keep the wallet on the table or desk in front of you. Alternatively, you can carry a wallet in the side pocket. However, the chance of accidentally dropping wallet is quite high if you keep wallet inside side pockets.

  1. Make a Police Complaint

If you have lost your wallet, you immediately need to make a police complaint. Additionally, you need to block the use of your credit as well as debit cards.
*I’m sharing these fun traveling accessories, ideas on what to secure your credit cards while on a trip and I might receive compensation if you make a purchase after clicking on a link.

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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done