Daily Archives: November 13, 2017

Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls-Wonderful-Wednesdays-Banner 12 comments
Welcome to our Oh My Heartsie Girls Welcome To Oh My Heartsie Girls #OMHGWW We choose blogs to feature from last weeks party and hope you enjoy this weeks features that include lots of Thanksgiving Recipes, and holiday ideas Bloggers are some of the most Inspiring bloggers we know and make our parties special!!! Linky Parties are also an opportunity […]

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday

Cultures Weddings and More Across The World
Weddings (and More) Across the World  Completely different cultures all around the world celebrate some of the same major life events, such as weddings, births, funerals. It’s amazing to take a look at the different and similar ways people around the world. honor these events.  Marriage Rwanda: Whereas in the US it’s popular to hire out high-end wedding venues, in […]

Cultures Weddings and More Across The World

Breast Reconstruction
Women’s bodies go through tremendous changes over the years. These changes take their toll on how your body is shaped, and particularly on the breasts. Some of the things that can affect the shape of your breasts include: Pregnancy and breastfeeding Weight fluctuations Aging Skin elasticity The pull of gravity With time, you may begin to notice that your breasts […]

How to Know If You Are a Candidate for a ...

Oh My Heartsie GIrls Weekly Linky Party For All Blogs To Share Their Latest Posts
Do’s and Don’ts of the Major Exercise Regimes to Keep you in Best Shape  The best bodyweight exercises are maneuvers which work on the body’s own weight resistance mechanism to build muscles. Workouts such as lunges and pushups are an example for this, where there is no need for any equipment for these. There are many HICT (high-intensity circuit training) […]

Do’s and Don’ts of the Major Exercise Regimes to Keep ...

Garden Pests-Horn Worm
Garden pests can be a huge threat to our leafy vegetables. If we do not take the required measures, their invasion can succumb to big losses to our farms. For instance, most garden pests eat vegetables hence reducing their leafy quality and eventually killing the whole crop. Leafy vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbages amongst others require much care […]

Garden Series: Effective Ways To Rid Pests in Your Garden