Daily Archives: February 20, 2013

Welcome to the $300 Custom Creations Giveaway Event! ♦They carry custom jewelry ♦Design you own from their website ♦Satisfaction Guaranteed  Organized by Mom Powered Media Every piece of personalized jewelry is handcrafted by Elisha and the team at Metal Pressions. Every letter, number, punctuation mark, and symbol is an individual tool that is placed by hand and impressed into the metal. This metal […]

Metal Pressions Giveaway

A Giveaway Event Brought to you By A Taste of Something Unimaginable and Owlcharmyou.origamiowl.com ♦Origami Owl Jewelry Tells a Story ♦ Run your own business ♦ Have fun and enjoy the flexibility Welcome to the Owl Charm You giveaway event. For a while now Origami Owl has been making amazing necklaces that are built to tell a story. Completely personalized to describe […]

Owl Charm You Giveaway